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1 Answer

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Let’s describe each option one by one. 

  1. ${\color{Red} \text{Through:}}$ Implies movement from one side to another, not suitable for describing the village's location between the ocean and the hills.
  2. ${\color{Blue} \text{In:}}$ Indicates being within an enclosed space, suggesting the village is inside a green spot surrounded by the ocean and the hills.
  3. ${\color{Magenta} \text{At:}}$ Indicates a specific point or location, not conveying the sense of being situated between the ocean and the hills.
  4. ${\color{Darkgreen} \text{Between:}}$ Accurately conveys the village's location in the middle, with the ocean on one side and the hills on the other.

The most suitable preposition for the sentence is ${\color{Darkgreen} \text{“between"}}$ as it accurately describes the village's position relative to the ocean and the hills.

Correct Answer: D
