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A piezo-electric force sensor, connected by a cable to a voltage amplifier, has the following parameters:

Crystal properties : Stiffness $10^9\;N/m,$ Damping ratio $0.01,$ Natural frequency $10^5\;rad/s,$ Force-to-Charge sensitivity $10^{-9}C/N,$ Capacitance $10^{-9}F$ with its loss angle assumed negligible 

Cable properties : Capacitance $2\times 10^{-9}F$ with its resistance assumed negligible

Amplifier properties : Input impedance $1\;M\Omega ,$ Bandwidth $1\;MHz,$ Gain $3$

The minimum frequency of a force signal in $\text{Hz}$ within its useful mid-band range of measurement, for which the gain amplitude is more than $0.95,$ approximately is,

  1. $16$
  2. $160$
  3. $1600$
  4. $16\times 10^3$
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