Recent activity by soujanyareddy13

0 answers
"When she fell down the ________ , she received many _________ but little help."The words that best fill the blanks in the above sentence arestairs, staresstairs, stairss...
0 answers
The transistor $Q_{1}$ has a current gain $\beta _{1}=99$ and the transistor $Q_{2}$ has a current gain $\beta _{2}=49$. The current $I_{B2}$ in microampere is __________...
0 answers
The input-output relationship of an $\text{LTI}$ system is given below.For an input $x\left [ n \right ]$ shown belowthe peak value of the output when $x\left [ n \right ...
0 answers
All the transistors used in the circuit are matched and have a current gain $\beta$ of $20$. Neglecting the Early effect, the current $I_{O4}$ in milliamphere is ________...
0 answers
The circuit shown below uses an ideal $\text{OpAmp}$. Output $V_{O}$ in volt is ____________ (rounded off to one decimal place).
0 answers
The input signal shown belowis passed through the filter with the following tapsThe number of non-zero output samples is ________________.
0 answers
The output $V_{o}$ of the ideal $\text{OpAmP}$ used in the circuit shown below is $\text{5 V}$. Then the value of resistor $R_{L}$ in kilo ohm $(k \Omega)$ is$2.5$$5$$25$...
0 answers
A $3$ $^1/_2$ digit, rectifier type digital meter is set to read in its $\text{2000 V}$ range. A symmetrical square wave of frequency $\text{50 Hz}$ and amplitude $\pm 10...
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0 answers
Given $y\left ( t \right )=e^{-3t}u\left ( t \right )\ast u\left ( t+3 \right )$, where $\ast$ denotes convolution operation. The value of $y\left ( t \right )$ as $t\rig...
0 answers
When the movable arm of a Michelson interferometer in vacuum $(n=1)$ is moved by $325\: \mu m$ , the number of fringe crossings is $1000$. The wavelength of the laser use...
0 answers
An amplitude modulation $\text{(AM)}$ scheme uses tone modulation, with modulation index of $0.6$. The power efficiency of the $\text{AM}$ scheme is ______________ $\%$ (...
0 answers
A strain gage having nominal resistance of $1000\:\Omega$ has a gage factor of $2.5$. If the strain applied to the gage is $100\:\mu m/m$, its resistance in ohm will chan...
0 answers
A $10$-bits $\text{ADC}$ has a full-scale of $\text{10.230 V}$, when the digital output is $(11\:1111\:1111)_{2}$. The quantization error of the $\text{ADC}$ in millivolt...
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0 answers
Taking $\text{N}$ as positive for clockwise encirclement, otherwise negative, the number of encirclements $\text{N}$ of $(-1,0)$ in the Nyquist plot of $G\left ( s \right...
0 answers
The signal $\sin\left ( \sqrt{2\pi t} \right )$ isperiodic with period $T=\sqrt{2\pi }$not periodic periodic with period $T=2\pi$periodic with period $T=4\pi ^{2}$
0 answers
Input-output characteristic of a temperature sensor is exponential for aThermistorThermocoupleResistive Temperature Device $\text{(RTD)}$Mercury thermometer